Injured and CF

No- I did not injure myself while at ️CrossFit! I did however injure myself stepping off a curb walking across the street to CrossFit lol. So along with leaning how to do things IN the box, I need a lesson in walking lol. After I rolled my ankle, the pain was intense! I sat there at my box for an hour in our kid room. Hoping it would stop hurting, but no luck. Walking on it was almost impossible- yet I did. Thankfully I had a physical therapy appt right after CF! (Again due to a non CF related injury).
I wasn’t bound to let my lack of walking ability to ruin my workout! So I modified. I did sit ups, push ups and push presses laying on the ground.

Later at PT, I found out I severely sprained my ankle, and it was swollen. I got a brace and crutches. I took one day off of CF, and then back in the box I went. Im still in a brace and cannot squat, or run, or jump. I go in and get my workout on though. I have THE best set of coaches, that help me come up with a WOD I can do- wit modifications. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my box!?!?!

I really think that continuing my workout has helped the healing process. It will still be a while till I’m 100%, but it’s helping. Before I would have just sat and vegged out. Not now!

I don’t say this to sound like a badass. But, if I, the person who HATED to workout, now with an injury, can get in and give it my all- ANYONE can!!

Try CF! I will support you and be your biggest cheerleader! It’s more than exercise. It’s a way of life, a mental attitude, and most CF’ers will agree, it’s like a family!!

I love CF and know that my ankle is healing faster because I’m safely getting my workout in daily! My routine is the same and I’m getting my blood pumping and making my fat cry! 🙂



Memorial Day WOD!

As I gathered today with fellow American and German CF athletes to do a WOD in honor of memorial day, I felt proud! This WOD, Murph, named after a soldier who sacrificed everything, is a tough one. Though Not as tough as our men and women who put themselves in harms way everyday for our freedom! I got to WOD with many active duty military, their spouses, and German nationals, all there to support one another, and the American Memorial day! I had an injury (sprained ankle- non CF related) and had to scale it. I couldn’t help but be disappointed in myself, because the man this WOD is forever named after gave his all. But I gave everything I had today. While doing pushups and sit ups, I thought about LT Michael P. Murphy – and all the others who gave their all! I pushed through it, thinking of them. I didn’t do this for me, I did it in honor of all our lost American heroes! I will do it again every year! Injury or not. I am proud of this CF community I am now a part of. I am honored to have participated with everyone today, and all CF’ers in the states! I was privileged to be on an American military base, in Germany, next to the hospital that so many of our wounded come to from down range! THIS is what it’s about! Honoring our heroes! Happy Memorial Day. LT Michael P. Murphy- I hope you are proud of the legacy you left behind! I think of you and your fallen brothers and sisters today! I pray for those fighting for their lives and our freedom! Thank you to those who gave all!!!!


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

I did
1 mile- arms and 1 legged airdyne
200 situps
200 pushups
1 mile- arms and 1 legged airdyne

Im still happy to have participated with so many!!

RIP “Murph” and all your brothers and sisters in arms!


Crossfit Open 2014

This video that I talk about in this post, and linked at the bottom, is the reason I started this blog! It received 2K likes on the Women of Crossfit facebook page! I NEVER expected so many people to like the video. It was also shared almost 100 times. I received many msgs and e mails saying that I was an inspiration. I don’t feel like one, but then I realized there are others out there who feel like I fee about themselves for whatever reason. This felt like a good way to get my thoughts out, remind myself that it is all a step by step process, and hopefully encourage others. Inspiration, I don’t know about, but I’ll be there cheering everyone on in their journey!!!

So this video is not something I would usually share! I hate my body and look fat, well, I am. However, Crossfit has given me a new outlook. I may still be fat, but I’m stronger! Im stronger emotionally and physically! I am doing it! Yes, it takes me longer to complete the WODs (workout of the day) and I have to modify many moves. BUT, I’m doing it! I have people pushing me and cheering for me! What other sport do competitors stay, show up early to cheer others on? It’s not just exercise, it’s a way of life. No one gives a crap how fat, thin, coordinated, powerful or weak you are. They are so excited you are doing something for yourself! I will NEVER forget my first day of CF. Everyone was so nice. I thought it was because I was new. Nope!! They are like that always! They get excited to see another athlete succeed and reach a milestone, no matter what it is!

Each year puts on a Crossfit open. A competition all can enter, and attempt to get to the Games. Some of my box mates entered the official open. My box also did an in house open. One where we could all do the WOD’s, just modified a bit.

This video shows my flabby, but “work’n” it self, doing the end of the last WOD of our in house competition.

This was the WOD:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Thrusters 25#

Bar facing burpees

For you non crossfit people- I did 21 thrusters, 21 burpees, 18 thrusters, 18 burpees…..etc. till only 3 of each left.

A thruster is the weights, where I have to squat below parallel and come up w the bar over my body. The weight for my division was only 25# but it gets heavy after a while.

The burpees, well they suck! I go down to the ground, legs and chest must touch, in this WOD, we had to basically touch our head to the ground. That is why it looks like I lay my head down or I’m kissing the floor lol. Then step or jump (my division could step) over the bar, then face the bar and another burpee.

This was the last 3 of each. It is not pretty at all. Im actually slightly embarrassed at my body. But I did it, Im doing it!

I HATED working out! I was the kid in school getting out of PE! Even though I danced as a kid (about 12 years) then dance/color guard in high school, I HATED working out.

I LOVE crossfit! I can’t see myself not doing it! I am getting stronger! I hope I can redo this WOD in a year, and see how much better I do. I hope w my diet that my body improves. I know it will. It’s not an overnight process, but it’s a life process. I think differently about everything now. And I’m still fat, but now I run with my kids. I go to the park with them and I play too!!!

I cannot wait to see how CF continues to change me physically and mentally!

Thank you to my friends that convinced me to start, to my fellow athletes to keep it up, and my coaches for putting up with me and teaching me more than just how to workout!!!!!!!!

Did it in 30 min 34 seconds. – a long time, but I finished!

Unfortunately WordPress won’t let me upload videos – so please click this link to view the video –


Intro to Crossfit

So I was convinced to try Crossfit by my friends Shana and Melissa! I had no idea what it really was. I had some friends whose husbands did crossfit. I went in thinking it was this man dominated, high intensity, crazy workout. I was right about a few, it’s high intensity and crazy at times. It is NOT man dominated!

I was in contact with the woman who was to become my coach. I asked poor Heather a million questions via Facebook before I even started. I had NO idea what I was getting into. I committed to 4 foundation classes. Heather had an already in progress foundation class and allowed me to come in for the last 4 of 8 sessions. I’ll be honest, I really hadn’t watched a crossfit video to even familiarize myself with what I was about to dive into. I think that was a good thing.

It was early December, and I showed up to a garage, literally a garage, in a parking lot of a local hotel. I was to be there at 8am. I of course showed up early, and sat in my car not having a clue where to go. I now know that people usually show up just before a WOD when it is that early and that cold out!

Finally I got out of my car and wandered around clueless. Finally a few women started pouring out of their cars. They told me where the door was, and I gathered as we waited for Heather. They ALL said hi and introduced themselves to me. The one that stuck out the most, maybe because she looked like a badass, and tiny, was Jessica – later became Coach Jessie! I cannot remember who all was there, as most of that hour was a blur. I went into this tiny garage. Heather got to teaching the others in the class, and had me do a warm up, since I was coming into the middle of a foundations class. She had me warm up on the “airdyne”. I am glad that she pointed to a stationary bike, because I had no idea what an Airdyne was lol.

After that she had Jessie work with me on various things, that I cannot remember. I was scared, and wondering if this was for me. Then came my WOD. I had to run!!! I don’t run! But there I was, being told to run, so what was I to do but get my fat butt in gear and run. After the close to 400 meter run, I did a variety of other common WOD movements, then to finish it off, another 400 meter run!

I was done, and EVERYONE was so so so supportive. Cheering me on while I clearly struggled. They didn’t care what I looked like, how fat I was, that I had non crossfit shoes on (more about that later), or that I was out of breath like a 60 year old smoke-aholic man. I did it! I finished and almost threw up. I really really thought I was going to throw up. I was dizzy, sweaty, nauseous, and tired.

It would take me 2 more classes to become hooked! As we say, I drank the kook-aid! It was an amazing feeling to push my body like that, and do it. I was doing things I never thought I could. I was learning how to work out. it’s 1 hour long. Someone tells me what to do for a warm up, what my WOD will be, and I’m done!

I was the kid who hated PE throughout high school. I danced, I did color guard (with the marching band). I wasn’t sedentary in my youth, but I HATED real exercise. Crossfit is so different! It’s different every day, you can see in a relatively short time, improvements you are making! It’s fast paced, and you are with people who are there for the same reason.

It can be intimidating when you walk in as a “fat” woman. You see skinny, athletic type women and men and you think to yourself, “why am I here”. It is scary. As a fat woman, most of my fat life I have tried to hide my body, not sweat, not show my fat rolls. There is no hiding that in Crossfit. A crazy thing happens. You start to not care about what you look like, because you ARE doing it! I have not met ONE Crossfitter that is rude, mean, or judgmental toward someone. I felt like I belonged for the first time in a LONG time.

I continued my Crossfit journey into January, when I completed an entire foundations class. I learned to push myself, to lift weights, to move my body in ways I never had, or hadn’t in a long time. The folks in the regular classes would come in and cheer us (the newbies) on! I would see them cheering each other on. I had never experienced that type of comradery before.

Once I finished the foundations class, we were offered a membership to join the regular classes. I jumped on that! My first day was scary lol. While we had learned a lot in the foundations class, we can’t learn it all. I was suddenly out of my comfort/safety zone and back to being scared. The other athletes jumped in to help, as did the coaches.

In crossfit, many of the WODs are timed. You try to do your workout as fast as possible sometimes. So we are ALWAYS looking at the time and we record our time and our WOD that day. I’m the “fat” on at my box. It took me a while to be ok with that, but I am now. I make jokes, but I am really am ok with it because I am working on it instead of just complaining while sitting on the couch. Being fat, we carry more weight and are generally more out of shape than the average athlete. I remember the worst WOD ever. I had to do jump ropes along with a few other moves. I had to do 90 jump ropes at a time, before moving onto pushups or something. I was THE last person still working. Everyone was sitting there watching, albeit cheering me on, but watching lol. I felt like I was on display. But as I kept going, almost throwing up, I realized these (mostly) women were cheering me on!!! My success was exciting to them! Everytime I thought I couldn’t go on, they cheered and pushed me to finish! It was like something I had never in my entire life experienced. I collapsed on the floor when I finished (a good 10-12 minutes after the rest). They ALL stayed to cheer me on! They could have finished and left, but they didn’t. They stayed!!! They all came up to me and gave me a high five. Shana took a picture of my sweat angel on the floor I made after collapsing onto the floor. It was like this amazing thing I had done, yet I thought I was an embarrassment for taking that long.

Crossfitters are the most encouraging, supportive people I know. After that day I KNEW I was hooked.

I still struggled with my image, my skill level and just pushing myself. My box decided that alongside the Crossfit Open, (weekly workouts set up by for athletes to compete in) that they would do an inhouse Open. 3 levels so we could scale certain movements so that everyone had a chance. I refused to enter, because I knew I couldn’t do as well as the rest. Then as I got more into it, I decided to go for it and I signed up. I was in the last category at our box, the most scaled. I DID come in last. BUT I did it. I completed it. I worked my butt off and did it. EVERYONE was so empowering and encouraging!

I now WOD 5x a week, and there are days I wish I could go twice!

I have never felt an endorphin before. I now know what it is, and what the feeling is! I LOVE it!!!

If you think you are too fat, not in shape enough, too slow, too weak to Crossfit, you are WRONG!

If I can do it, ANYONE can do it!

Thank you to all the coaches at the best box in the world.

Thank you to everyone at Crossfit Kaiserslautern for helping and encouraging me!

Crossfit – What?

So this is my Crossfit blog! I named it Fat Fit & Fierce Crossfit for a few reasons. First and foremost, I’m fat. It’s no secret, I cannot hide and I’m ok with that (for now). Fit, well I want to be more fit, and anyone can tell you, Crossfit will get you there! Fierce, well every crossfitter I know from the novus to the World Champions are fierce! So this is my journey, my story, my life!


So, what is crossfit??


Well here is the definition from the official site.

CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide.

Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist.

CrossFit contends that a person is as fit as they are proficient in each of ten general physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy

Ok so that is a mouthful. Crossfit is something for the weak and the strong, for the fat and the thin, for the runner and the couch potato, for the jock and the book worm.

You will work like you never thought you could. You will sweat more than you thought you had in you. You will cry, scream, yell, laugh, cheer, throw up, push, lift, and collapse. More than likely, you will walk away completely drained and loving every minute of it!

The first thing to learn about Crossfit is the 1 thing you will hear more than anything, the WOD. This stands for Workout Of the Day. Then there is this thing called the Box. The box is what Crossfitters call their gym. It’s called a box because it’s no fancy, pretty, carpeted, air conditioned, juice bar kind of gym. Most boxes are garages or warehouse type buildings. Exposed beams, ducts, walls. No air conditioning, or CCTV. There is a clock (for time, always record your time!), music (you NEED music to get through those WOD’s, and I mean MUSIC), weights, bars, ropes, rings, tires, and a lingering smell of sweat at times. It’s a place to get down and dirty, in a fun way! Sweat is beautiful and jump rope whip marks are like battle scars. There are also these boxes, be it wooden or metal. Varying sizes, 20″, 24″ and taller. These boxes are used for jumping on, stepping on, sitting on (not for too long), doing push ups on, practicing everything on! So my theory is the open exposed style “gym” and the equipment boxes, lead to the term “the box”.

Crossfit will give you the ability to do things even in your everyday life that you couldn’t before. It will give you self esteem like you never thought you had!

Is Crossfit for everyone? YES! Is everyone for Crossfit? No. You need a positive attitude, acceptance that you will fail, knowledge that you will succeed, and the drive to go in day after day and give it your all!